Thursday, October 29, 2009

The Gold Saves the Theives.

Aside from the painfully charming cover of this 1965 edition of Mark Twain's The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, this book is worth revisiting for the brilliant chapter titles alone.

"The House Of Death Floats By"; "All Full Of Tears And Flapdoodle"; "I Steal The King's Plunder"; "Dead Peter Has His Gold"; and "The Pitiful Ending Of Royalty".

We have often spoken about selling vintage books in the shop, but, who can part with gems such as these? One day, hopefully soon, we will grow strong enough to. We will let you know when that day comes.

In the mean time, we will simply have to continue sharing our most favorite and most covetous book covers with you.


book courtesy of the Stephanie Schwallie Library